Raise Intelligence of Immune Defense, Prevent & Defuse Infectious Virus. Activate Life & Restore Health. – TaiGong Chan Meditation detailed explanation with introduction part 1

Tai Gong is Zen consciousness, through deep meditation, expressing the freedom of the body and of the mind. That opens the potential of the body and of the mind through awareness and observation. It is composed and designed to resolve mind and body challenges, meeting different energy needs for friends and classmates with different conscious minds and levels of movements’ understandings, and backgrounds, especially those who are more vulnerable to defensive (immune) qi deficiency, or lack of energy in the field of energy frequency or in great need of energy potential expansion.

Tai Gong in sittings & other positions. Tai Gong can be done in bed, or by sitting at a chair in any space without limitations to conduct that innermost consciousness observation through deep meditation. All conscious energy transcends in deep meditation with self observation without bodily motion, which shall be the same as meditation with bodily movements.

Tai Gong is innermost deep conscious meditation, with mind and body movements, and energy expansion. It is imperative for activation of immune system in orderly function and reorganization of the immune defense system, that can, therefore, help protect the body from viruses such as the corona virus and other viruses, to defuse viral gene mutations. Stem cells will proliferate and health of the body and the mind will be restored.

The key to restoration of the immune system returning to health, does not lie in traditional religious practices or rituals. These past traditions and superstitions are dissipating energy and resources, and should be abandoned, and instead attention should be given to activating the conscious energy of life.Only in this way can the needed energy be gathered and released to open innate wisdom to return to original consciousness of a healthy body and a healthy mind.

Deep meditation combined with breath and a simple series of movements, which are easy to practice, brings one to being present in the Now. This, along with letting go of past attachments leads to the realm of self-transcendence of infinite consciousness.

Tai Gong is expression of Zen consciousness in deep and innermost conscious meditation with silent motion of the body and of the mind in aerodynamics. With full release of the blockage of energy channels, one opens the airways, opens the energy field, connects the source of consciousness of inner intelligence. That opens high-conscious healthy energy channels, improves defensive Qi of the immune system, and inspires self-healing ability to stay away from viral infections and diseases.

Tai Gong is composed and practiced on the freedom of conscious energy frequency in silent deep meditation, on basis of meditative motion of breathing kinetics, and holographic projection theory with quantum scientific discoveries and experiments. The combination of conscious deep meditation in stillness and meditative breathing with action of the series of movements is simple, clear and easy to practice.

It is easy for anyone to practice this deep meditative breathing with those simple movements. As one is fully present here and now in conscious inner self-observation, letting go off the attachments of the past, past Knowledge, past memories, past thoughts, emotions, traditions, authorities, experts or indoctrination and so on, one enters the realm of vast empty space of the mind through self-transcendence of infinite consciousness.

Open your mind, clear your thoughts, enter the pure consciousness of that infinite space without center or boundaries in total resonance with cosmic consciousness in harmonious quantum field of energy frequency.

When one is totally in silence of that conscious meditative practice, one reaches the unity of oneness with the universe consciousness. The original light of the cosmos shines through the conscious intelligence of humanity. This is the unity of consciousness of Heaven and Man that is the essence of Dao.

The Notes of Attention Points

In Tai Gong deep conscious meditation practice, the mind and body are completely free, free of any forced efforts, free of any control (thought) or controller (self). Naturally the inner conscious energy is fully present. That is the only way for this deep meditation to be more effective. This is a practice of self-observation within which one needs to absolutely have one’s own light to ‘self’ enlighten without relying on another, either a master or a guru or authorities of any kind. 

One sees and observes the interspace into which the innermost consciousness of oneself permeates and penetrates in resonance with supreme consciousness of wisdom, when one lets go of the inherent traditional ideas, old frames of thinking, worldly messy signals. At this quality status of mind one opens to the light of joy and conscious energy.

Only by opening the space of Weiqi (immune defense energy system), can you strengthen and heal yourself, increasing the immune system energy, unveiling higher energy frequency waves of consciousness,  resonating at the same frequency as the original point of light of the infinite conscious universe. 

In practice, you must be totally free to let go of fear, let go of everything of the past, thoughts, emotions, or memories of the past, increasing harmonious energy frequency waves, improving and reorganizing the immune system, and destroying the virus-infected bodies before you can have a new life, while energetic healthy cells’ regeneration goes hand in hand with the death of infected virus. 

During the practices, you are completely free to open wide of your heart and mind without restraining yourself, or blocking yourself in any way. Any motion in the self-centered state of mind without inner high consciousness, or conscientious awareness, is an act of self-chaining, or self-caging, which has a high degree of hindrance to free that self to unveil that innate conscious intelligence.

Any unnatural efforts, clinging to the past, reliance on authorities, reliance on inherent knowledge, reliance on past experience, memories, thoughts, or traditional or outdated concepts will have counter-effects on self-responsibility, self-realization, and self-healing. That directly obstructs you to the discovery of your innate conscious intelligence. 

During the silent motion of conscious meditation, one observes the freedom of energy, freedom of consciousness, and freedom of the mind. That constant conscious energy movement in Tai Gong purifies the conscious energy of the healthy body and of the healthy mind, and unveils the infinite wisdom of life.

Let’s pay full attention to total action to free ourselves sincerely, let go of all thoughts, ideas, words, traditions, doctrines, authorities, interests, etiquette, or ceremonies, self-controlling, and self-caging, etc… before you can release energy to have your own light to light up the innermost conscious life and open the life gate of infinite wisdom.

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